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«The great heritage of the great Steppe» Historical and literary panorama

12.11.2020. The event was prepared by the Central city library in order to promote the program article of Elbasy «Seven Facets of the Great Steppе». Kazakhstan is planing for the future, drawing strength from the achievements of its ancestors. Because they had a decisive impact on the development of the entire human civilization. Our motherland,

Torgay geoglyphs (Ushtogay square, Torgay trikvetr)

Object dating: Bronze Age – Middle Ages. Locality: Amangeldy region, 15 kilometers to the east of Ushtogay village; 15 kilometers south-east to Amangeldy village. Mysterious Torgay geoglyphs represented by relief geometric and figured patterns on the earth surface that could be observed from a bird’s-eye view and obtained worldwide fame. Nearly 200 figures have been

The community reading programme “One nation – One book” – 2016

People are reading the poetry of Dulat Babataiuli. The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan defined the works of Kazakh poet Dulat Babataiuli as the main theme of the community reading programme “One nation – One book”. Dulat Babataiuli (1802-1874, the village of Ayaguz, Semipalatinsk region, Omsk province (now Ayaguz district,  East – Kazakhstan

“Бата беру (Bata beru)” in “Тинейджер (Teenager)” club

The act getting acquainted with the tradition of “Бата беру (Bata beru)” and a contest for young artists “Самой лучшей на свете (For the best in the world)” On March 5, the modelling library of Kachar village (branch office no. 11) organized the presentation of tradition of “Бата беру (Bats beru)” and the contest for
